Industry Engagement
We strongly believe that good corporate citizenship is key to everything we do. We strive to advocate responsible investment in the private equity industry and the wider investment community.
- In 2024, we became supporters of the UN Global Compact and committed to incorporating its Ten Principles into our strategies, policies and procedures, while encouraging our portfolio companies to do the same.
- Equistone has been a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment since 2019 and annually reports on its progress in integrating ESG considerations throughout its investment process
- Equistone has been a member of the Initiative Climat International since 2018, the first initiative in the private equity industry to support the reduction and management of greenhouse gas emissions by portfolio companies
- We are a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI), which aims to streamline the industry’s approach to collecting ESG data and to create meaningful, performance-based, comparable data
- As part of its membership in France Invest, the association bringing together private equity firms active in France, Equistone has been a participant in the association’s ESG Commission since 2019 and Talents & Diversity since early 2023
- Equistone is a sponsor of Level 20, the not-for-profit organisation dedicated to attracting and retaining more women in the European private equity industry, and it is fully aligned with the organisation’s efforts to improve the gender representation in the industry
- Equistone is a member of Out Investors, a global organisation that was founded with the mission of making the direct investing industry more welcoming for LGBT+ professionals