ESG and D&I Structure
We ensure strong ESG governance practices are embedded across the whole of the organisation through our ESG and Diversity & Inclusion Committees.
Equistone recognised that a centralised forum to address sustainability across the firm is key to achieving best-in-class processes. In 2021, Equistone established an ESG Committee to consider, review and make ESG-related recommendations to the Equistone Management Board. The Committee meets four to six times a year and monitors Equistone’s ESG programme at the GP and portfolio company level.
Responsibilites include:
- Review and issue recommendations regarding Equistone’s Responsible Investment policy and ESG strategy
- Provide input and feedback to the continued development of Equistone’s RI / ESG programme
- Monitor ESG issues and value-creation initiatives across Equistone portfolio companies
- Identify appropriate ESG training initiatives
- Oversee external reporting on ESG matters and industry engagements
The ESG Committee currently comprises Equistone’s three ESG Managers – Jessica Clavette, Sophia Nicol and Diane Vignalou – as well as Nicola Duke, Paul Harper, Julie Lorin and David Zahnd.
At Equistone, we strongly believe in the value of diversity for both our key stakeholders and society at large and are therefore committed to enhancing diverse representation within our own operations, across our portfolio companies, and within the broader private capital space.
In 2020, we identified the need to codify our ongoing efforts to attract diverse talent and maintain an inclusive environment. We therefore established the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Committee, which serves to:
- Review and make recommendations to the Management Board regarding Equistone’s D&I mission statement to ensure that it aligns with industry best practice, complies with relevant legal and regulatory requirements across all Equistone’s operating jurisdictions, and operates in the best interests of employees, investors, and the wider community.
- Routinely review both qualitative and quantitative data on D&I, staff satisfaction and engagement across the firm from the annual Guiding Principles survey and the ongoing monitoring of Equistone’s performance against the D&I mission statement.
- Promote local initiatives and share best practice.
- Provide recommendations to the Management Board on D&I training programmes to be undertaken across the firm.
The Diversity & Inclusion Committee currently comprises Jessica Clavette, Maëlle Deruaz, Tanja Berg, Roman Hegglin, Dominic Geer, Julie Lorin, Sophia Nicol, Neha Saxena, Tim Swales and Diane Vignalou.
Our Equistone culture empowers all of us to connect, belong and grow.
» We treat our investors, business partners and team members with respect. We believe that having a diverse group of talented colleagues and a culture in which we all feel we belong, and in which all our voices are heard, creates the best conditions for us to succeed. «