Management and Governance Structure

Management and Governance Structure

The Investment Manager of our funds is Equistone Partners Europe Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and owned by the key executives in the business.

The Board of Equistone Partners Europe Limited makes the investment and exit decisions and is guided by recommendations of the European Investment Committee, chaired by Chief Investment Officer, Oskar Schilcher. The other standing members of the European Investment Committee are Dr Marc Arens, Owen Clarke, Grégoire Châtillon, Dominic Geer, Stefan Maser, Steve O’Hare, Guillaume Jacqueau and Grégoire Schlumberger.

A Management Board makes business and operational decisions on a Europe-wide basis. The Management Board currently comprises Dr Marc Arens, Grégoire Châtillon, Dominic Geer, Guillaume Jacqueau, Stephan Köhler, Steve O’Hare and Oskar Schilcher. Christiian Marriott, who is responsible for fundraising and investor relations, also attends the Management Board. Owen Clarke, who served as CIO from 2011 to 2017, is Chair of Equistone’s Supervisory Board.


Most of the executives of Equistone are partners in the business and therefore as business owners we have a high degree of empathy with the management teams whom we are seeking to support in our investments. Additionally, the executives invest their own money into vehicles that invest into and alongside the funds and which entitle them to receive a carried interest in the profits generated by each fund. This closely aligns the economic interests of the executives with the investors.